
In the unfathomable abyss, before the stars shone and time wove its intricate tapestry, there was only absolute void. 

A nothingness so vast it defied comprehension, devoid even of the promise of existence. 

Yet, in this vacuum of meaning and matter, two wills emerged—not from somewhere, but as forces inherent to the paradox of the nonexistent: Keosiis... and Urdeen.

Keosiis, chaos incarnate, had no fixed form; its essence was mutable, unstable, and terrifyingly beautiful in its insane disorder. 

Beside it, no less formidable, was Urdeen, forced order, whose presence suffocated and calcified everything in its reach. 

There was no malice in Keosiis, just as there was no benevolence in Urdeen; they simply were—pure forces devoid of morality.

Their meeting was not peaceful, for the void could not contain their conflicting natures. 

The clash of their wills spawned cosmic storms and cataclysms beyond perception. 

From the waves of this primordial conflict emerged the first things: fragments of raw matter and chaotic energy, shaped by the rigid rules imposed by Urdeen and distorted by the unpredictable hands of Keosiis. 

Thus, the universe came to be—a battleground where random events and inflexible laws struggle for supremacy in a precarious balance.

But the universe, still young, was only the beginning. 

Where once there were only two wills, others began to arise, distorted echoes of the initial turmoil. 

First came Nekrosiis, a cold and relentless presence, whose essence was the inevitable end of everything Keosiis and Urdeen created. 

Death, impassive and eternal, loomed over all creation, ensuring that nothing could escape its inevitable influence.

Then, from chaos and order, something unexpected emerged: Maadnes, thought itself, a subtle and complex reflection of the designs already permeating the universe. 

Maadnes was not an entity of raw power but of contemplation and perception. It was he who named things, who understood the conflict, and by doing so, became a part of it.

Finally, when existence seemed to have found its cycle, another force emerged from the shadows of what should never have been: Darkzan. 

Dark as the void itself from which all things arose, Darkzan was not merely the end but the complete negation of being. 

While Keosiis created and Urdeen shaped, while Nekrosiis destroyed and Maadnes reflected, Darkzan waited—silent, inescapable, the promise that all things would return to nothingness.

The dance of these wills wove the fabric of the cosmos, but in every corner of the universe echoes the sound of the inevitable: the return to the void. 

For Darkzan is not just the end; it is the destiny of all things, the silence that waits beyond the stars.

And even now, as we delve into the forgotten secrets of creation, there is a whisper in the shadows that cannot be ignored. 

It murmurs the name of Darkzan, the last of all names, and with it comes the chill of nonexistence that will one day engulf even our thoughts.


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